Pigmentation of Japanese Sea Bream, Pagrus
major, with NatuRose yields excellent results. A more natural,
even colouration is developed with NatuRose as compared to
synthetic astaxanthin. Various researchers have noted a 1.7 to
4 fold increase in the skin deposition of esterified
astaxanthin (as found in NatuRose) compared to free
astanxanthin (predominant in synthetic and yeast forms). Diets
of seabream formulated with NatuRose show distinct improvement
in hues and distribution. Trials conducted with NatuRoseTM on
Sea Bream in several major geographic farming areas have
demonstrated its efficacy and in some cases superiority to
synthetic pigments.
- Proprietary trials with NatuRose pigmented flesh evenly
and Sea Bream appeared like wild caught.
- Research in Japan identified esterified astaxanthin as
a more superior pigment than synthetic astaxanthin.
- Cyanotech produces large quantities of NatuRose,
assuring a consistent reliable source of natural